Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The cooking begins

So since I only recently got a part time job and have all of this time on my hands, I thought to myself I should do something more with my time then watch lifetime movies and Law and Order SVU marathons all day.  This past weekend I joked with my family members that I was going to cook my way through Betty Crocker's Cookbook (which obviously I got the idea from Julie & Julia).  Then last night as I was getting ready to embark on yet another tv watching marathon, I thought cooking is actually a really great idea.  I spent the rest of the night going through the cookbook trying to figure out where to start.  It would seem obvious to start from the beginning but if anyone has ever seen the Better Crocker orange cookbook I am talking about, they would know that there are different tabs for meats, appetizers, breads, pastas, drinks, etc.  So I might have to jump around a little just to make sure I make a complete meal.  However, I will not skip anything even if that means I have to make something that absolutely disgusts me.  So my journey through cooking starts tonight...I hope my first meal isn't a total disaster.


  1. I am sooo excited for this!!!.. maybe we should start a restaurant not a bakery lol

  2. yay! I am super excited. I like the title. :) I can't wait to read it! Oh and if this comes out really well..you and shannon should open a place together..you do the dining stuff while she does the pastry stuff.

  3. I sure hope you can make me some bomb drinks!! I'm proud of you for starting something like this, I certainly don't have the drive or determination. Props Em, even if it's a total ripe-off hahaha. All I have to say is your ending better not blow massive chunks like julie and julia did. 2.5 hours I want back.
